A blow by blow (or calm by calm) account of a sailing trip from Portsmsouth to Gibraltar and Barcelona, returning via the Canal de Midi.

Wednesday, 19 May 2010

Standing on the Corner

And suddenly it's Summer! Warm sunny days, windy afternoons, starry nights.  What a difference!

From Gijon we went to the very attractive fishing village of Cudillero.  Lots of wind and bouncing about en route, but we had a friendly local to help us with the mooring.  It didn't work.  The set moorings are a complete tangle of ropes going every whichway.  The chap kindly helped us drop an anchor, which then got trapped in the mooring ropes, and we lost it.  He then helped us dock on a pontoon (a very special concession).  The pontoon broke.  So we were not unhappy to leave for the first of the Galician rias (think fjords or sea lochs) - in Ria de Ribadeo.  It also has a marina which didn't break.

We've had one or two equipment failures of our own, in particular a plotter (think satnav) has decided it only likes cold weather and has gone on strike.  Luckily we have two.  However the shiny new cup-holders are working magnificently! 

We've now been rapidly through Ria de Barquero (near Ria de Vivero) with magnificent coastal views (Cabo Ortegal above), and are in La Coruña, right on the North West corner.  And we've bought a new anchor.  We have a sort of arrangement to excahnge the plotter, and we're a day ahead of schedule.

Thanks to all who have posted replies on the blog.  It's good to know there are people out there!  Excuse us for not replying directly - the blog doesn't seem like the best medium for ongoing conversations!  Oh, and good luck with the government!  Just as long as Cameron keeps sterling going up I could be converted!!


  1. Steve and Jean20 May 2010 at 15:41

    Hi Simon and Val,
    Have just logged on to this again - last time you were still getting ready. Glad you made it across the Bay of Biscay without mishap and that you've found the summer. The way things are going, you may be able to buy Spain, before too long.
    All the best,

    Steve and Jean

  2. Sue and Andrew21 May 2010 at 10:52

    Don't go too fast! Looking forward to seeing you next week.
